Nov 17, 2009

Palang Tol 'or' One Fine day turning into a Tragic one!

Hye guys, as usual this morning i drive to class. It was such a fine day and i was quite happy for my morning class has been cancelled. And so i went to the next class around 9am dengan hati yg berbunga-bunga :) Haha my oh-so-usual journey to class take only about 20 minutes all the way from bangi to bandar sri putra. As i was driving, i was almost there when i have to stop and pay for the toll fee. This is where the tragic moment happened. My car couldnt stop no matter how hard i tried to stop the car. There i was alone in the car and 'Boom!! I bumped that palang tol.' I was so nervous that i thought i might have to pay saman after this. At the same time, i was so confused like why cant my car stop just now because right after i langgar palang tuh, the brake worked!! Omg aint that strange to your human minds? Thank God that kakak yg jage toll booth tu was very very very nice!! Im like, 'Ok i definitely busted tp there she was *bless u kakak* trying to calm me down and told me that i dont have to pay anything. She said, the palang wass alright, my car was alright, so she let me go!! Weewot, i cant believe i met that kakak at that time. Huu i know her u see, she knows me. Always bayar toll dekat dia and i guess she remembers me. But whatever happen happens u know. U cant turn it back unless youre God. Im very grateful to have met her that morning. I hope this thing wont happen again. I know that i didnt overspeed my car, its just that the brake wasnt functioning at that particular time. Im very traumatised by that incident and i dont know whether i can drive to class or not tomorrow.

Moral of the story; Be nice or at least carve a smile to that person yg jage toll booth tu because at the end of the day, u might be having the same incident as me and look at me, "I survive, my car is fine, and that palang is fine too!"

PS// iloveyou akak, will belanje you makan someday insyallah, Godbless you!! Mwaaa!!


  1. lol

    i very2 look up to these event
    hope it happen to me soon.
    still evrything fine is just weird..mb palang tu kalo langgar tmbos patah pon x kne saman gk ah..

  2. Hahaha, i dont know abt u but i dont want to get involve in any kind of situation like that. Hahaha and nasib baek palang tu ta tercucuk i kot :b

  3. erk?
    cmne leyh tercucuk?
    actually palang tuh flexible ah..made up from plastiks...kalo lngar die goyang2 x pon kalo laju je patah tros kot.
    (still aint happen to me, yet from some movie it happens to be like tht)

  4. Hahaha i dont know abt that :b Hee yea always saw that from action movie!
