Oct 14, 2009

imy ouh .

Okay heres the thing. I am missing someone. Huu tp siapakah gerangan orang itu? Idk. Aha yeayea im missing someone but i dont know who that person is. Ececehh :b *gedik nyampah! hee

Aduss, can somebody here tell me who that person is? I dont hv a boyfriend so its gonna be tough. Hehe it could be my friends rite? But who? Only cinonit number of friends je yg contact saye :( Antaranye ialah tia jorjes, nick nickelodeon, Oh tidaks itu sahaja.


  1. ouh rly ? hahaha . we r the same lah jorjes . so sad .

  2. aku x cntct ko ke lalinx??
    sorry la kalo aku x reply msj ko..
    bz la..
    skrg ni aku cuti..
    ade mse,aku cntct ko ye syg~
    miss u!!!

  3. Huu tapetape :) Eeza!!! miss u so much! Hee best la ko, aku nxt week dh kne dfta blk kuis. 21 okt ni :(
